Friday, 16 October 2015

[Kernel][SM-4.9][CM/AOSP][5.1.X] MeGaBYTe_Kernel_r1 [Colour Calibration]

MeGaByTe Kernel
I'm not a developer, im taking effort to put more choices of kernel for our community.
This kernel is tweaked for my own taste.
Please do not request for more features because i want to ensure the stability of the kernel first.
And thank you for using this kernel.



 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.


- Compiled with latest Built with latest custom Sabermod 4.9
- Init.d Colour Calibration at bootup thanks to @Gustavo_s
- Faux Sound Control
- ZEN, SIO, FIOPS, VR IO schedulers
- Intelli Demand governor
- intelli Active governor
- Intelli Thermal V2
- yankactive governor
- impluse governor
- smartmax governer
- adreno_idler driver
- enable zswap,frontswap ,vnswap
- touch improved
- usb fast charge added
- cpu voltage control added
- merged f2fs from motorola
- added Fsync from hTc
- added simple governer for gpu
- Enabled all kind Advance TCP

Pls Read This before flashing:

You need ROM's default kernel before flashing this as this kernel makes use of AnyKernel 2 by @osm0sis. Make sure you have it otherwise clean flash the kernel with the rom to avoid any issues.(At least dirty flash rom+kernel) Credits to @attack11 for some part of install script.Read FAQ's and changelogs in 2nd post. THIS KERNEL COMES FINE TUNED OUT OF THE BOX.

How to Flash:
1. Download the kernel and place it into your phone storage
2. Reboot into recovery
3. Install the kernel
4. (optional) Wipe Dalvik/ART Cache and Cache partitions
5. Reboot and enjoy![/LEFT]


Recommended app:

Kernel Adiutor

I would like to say thanks to @Gustavo_s I used his kernel source as my base :) Thanks Mate @faux123 @RenderBroken @arter_97
@fransicofranco @hurtsky for his commits @DC07 @zwliew and many more ..last but not the least Cyanogen Team

XDA:DevDB Information
[Kernel][SM-4.9][CM/AOSP][5.1.X] MeGaBYTe_Kernel_r1 [Colour Calibration] [16/10/15], Kernel for the Moto X

Source Code:

Kernel Special Features:

Version Information
Status: Beta

Created 2015-10-16
Last Updated 2015-10-16

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