So ive been searching around for a couple of days for the best battery replacement for the old shield tablet, but every battery people find are third party ones, that are untested, and ive got too much stuff in my home to risk getting them all get destroyed just because i bought a bad battery.
So, since i cant buy batteries directly from nvidia, i have tried finding other tablets whos batteries have about the same specs, but so far the only battery ive found that fits is the Nexus 7 battery, which only has 4000 Mah.
Can anyone help me find the best first party battery that fits the shield tablet?
here are the specs i found for the shield battery
size: 75 * 155 * 4
specs: 5200 MaH 3.8 V 19.7 WH
The size isnt that important, just as long as its smaller than the original size
I will try to post updates if i find a better battery, but please help me if you can
So, since i cant buy batteries directly from nvidia, i have tried finding other tablets whos batteries have about the same specs, but so far the only battery ive found that fits is the Nexus 7 battery, which only has 4000 Mah.
Can anyone help me find the best first party battery that fits the shield tablet?
here are the specs i found for the shield battery
size: 75 * 155 * 4
specs: 5200 MaH 3.8 V 19.7 WH
The size isnt that important, just as long as its smaller than the original size
I will try to post updates if i find a better battery, but please help me if you can
Hey.. Did you find any? I am looking for the same thing..