####XDA Contributors Mega Thread####
Thanks for checking this new thread out. I made this thread to let people take the chance to properly thank someone on XDA instead of hitting the thanks button everytime.
This thread is not suposed to change the way of thanking someone since that will always be hitting the thanks button, this thread is for extending you´re thankyou and thank a person in his overall activities and contributions out here on XDA rather than thanking for one post he made.
- If you make a thank letter for a particular person than you do not make more posts about the same person, everytime you need to edit a thank letter to someone than edit your old post about him.
- Don´t make thousands of posts at the same time for every person, choose the one that helped the most and contributed the most. ( Of course if you see more people which are really helpfull and needed to be thanked properly by a thank letter than don´t hestitate to make another post here. )
Why did i make this thread?
First of all because there is a 8 thank hit limit per day and that´s really terrible, secondly because just hitting a thank button isn´t always the right thing to do.
And some people write thanks letters in threads where it is not a good location for chit chat, with this thread we can keep the threads clean of thanks messages and make those thanks messages mean more.
Dear @Planterz ,
You are the first guy that came up when i think about trustworthy contributions to XDA.
When i grind through the device suggestions threads to try helping people it´s always hard to find an unanswered question of someone because you helped him perfectly, you make good explanations about why you suggest particular devices and that prevents people asking those reasons and arguments.
You are a good help for letting people make good decisions without having to doub between devices anymore.
You are ´Da Real Contributor´ in my honest opinion.
1. @Planterz
Thank you for sharing this valuable and important info with us. So much fun and easy to read on Good Provider Card